
Guide shoppers through their online commerce journey by recommending the most relevant products in the right moment, based on real-time behavioral and transactional data as well as our Predictive AI to suggest products they’re most likely to purchase next, creating higher engagement and more revenue.
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Predictive product recommendations based on real-time shopper insight

Streamline discovery with relevant product recommendations that drive purchases

Improve the shopper journey by highlighting products that are aligned with individual affinities, helping them find and buy what they’re after much quicker, as well as influencing up-sell.

Boost conversions by seizing hyper-targeted opportunities identified by our Predictive AI

Leverage our intelligent AI to deepen the relevancy of your product recommendations, such as having them consider the likes of shoppers’ preferred product variants such as size, color, and more.

Control recommendations to support specific business goals and commerce KPIs

Let our predictive AI populate product recommendations, or fine-tune them by boosting or burying products based on performance and attributes, such as CR, margin, category, or stock level.

Deploy recommendations with speed and ease reducing time to value

Create and edit all product recommendations within our simple, user-friendly interface, without need for technical expertise, so you can enjoy faster time-to-value and gain flexibility.

Deliver meaningful product recommendations without depending on personal data

Ensure robust product discovery—even for first-time visitors or those who reject cookies—by using aggregated site data to inspire them with best sellers, geotargeted trends, cross-sells, and more.

Earn more revenue with personalized
product recommendations

+20% in AOV since adding Product Recommendations

“Since we have such a vast variety of products that we offer, it is hard to choose what to show customers. When using a personalized recommendation, it takes out some of the guessing game of what each customer is interested in.”

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+31% in CVR with multi-page Product Recommendations

“As a luxury brand…Nosto’s personalized product recommendations give us the ability to deliver highly relevant recommendations with a much larger variety of merchandising goals than Commerce Cloud’s native recommendations.”

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+30% in CVR using brand affinity recommendations

“Nosto has enabled us to easily deploy personalized recommendations across the Robert Dyas website, improving customer engagement and conversion.”

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start with a CXP

Create hyper-relevant commerce experiences with a CXP that combines cutting-edge search, merchandising and personalization capabilities

Explore our CXP

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Nosto is recognized in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Search and Product Discovery
News & Press Nosto recognized in the 2024 Gartner ® Magic Quadrant™ for S&PD

Nosto has been recognized in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for S&PD for our Completeness of Vision & Ability to Execute. This recognition reaffirms our ambition to redefine the standards of excellence in the retail industry through constant innovation.

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Article Shoppers 5x as Likely to Click on Product Recommendations

New research suggests shoppers are interacting more heavily with on-site personalization campaigns, including Product Recommendations, Content Personalization, Pop-Ups, and more.

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Product Release New: Merchandising Rules for Product Recommendations

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve enhanced the applications of our merchandising rules! Now, in addition to search results and category pages, users can also apply merchandising rules to product recommendations.

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Helping our
customers succeed


Guided onboarding for fast time-to-value

your way

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Regular check-ins with customer success manager


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Amazing ecomm tool
& customer support

“Nosto’s customer support couldn’t be better, our success manager is knowledgeable, attentive, and is always prepared to discuss better ways to optimize our brands.”

Exceptional support
and user‑friendly experience

“Nosto is an outstanding platform that exceeds expectations. Their exceptional customer support ensures prompt assistance, while the user-friendly interface simplifies everything.”

Truly amazing customer support

“We appreciate that the Nosto team is always available for us, from bi-weekly status calls to any one-off questions that come up. Their team has always supported us!”

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