Team Spotlight: Millie Morgan, Marketing Coordinator (UK, IE & Nordics)

Team Spotlight: Millie Morgan, Marketing Coordinator (UK, IE & Nordics)

In this edition of the Nosto team spotlight, get to know Millie Morgan, Marketing Coordinator for the UK, IE and Nordics at Nosto. She shares her favorite part about working at Nosto, the best advice she’s ever received, what her Olympic sport would be as well as the name and top destinations for her hypothetical sailboat.

Q: What’s your favorite part about working at Nosto?

Millie: It has to be the team; I’ve been at Nosto almost 2 years now and although the team members have changed over time this has been the case throughout.

Q: What are you most looking forward to as Stackla joins Nosto?

Millie: I’m pleased that we are expanding our horizons even further, in terms of product offering, and cementing ourselves more in our space whilst also growing as an ecommerce experience platform.

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Millie: If you’ve gone down the wrong path then you should turn back no matter what. Don’t be stubborn, you’re going the wrong way!

Q: You’re going sailing around the world, what’s the name of your boat and what are your top destinations?

Millie: I’d name my boat “Amphitrite” (Goddess of the Sea, married to Poseidon), and I’d be visiting Tortuga, Barbados, Madagascar, and Fiscardo, Greece.

Q: What sport would you compete in if you were in the Olympics?

Millie: Horse Show Jumping.

Q: What year would you visit if you had a time machine?

Millie: The year 3000.

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