Team Spotlight: Meet Omar Ruiz, Head Of Operations at Stackla

Team Spotlight: Meet Omar Ruiz, Head Of Operations at Stackla

In this edition of the Nosto team spotlight, get to know Omar Ruiz, Head Of Operations at Stackla. He shares what he’s most looking forward to as Stackla joins Nosto, what album he could listen to on repeat, and where he would live if he could live anywhere in the world for a year.

Q: What’s your favorite part about working at Stackla?

Omar: My favorite part about working here is the unique culture we’ve been able to build. It’s ultimately built by an incredible group of people who are that culture and continue to live it. It’s open, honest, and helpful; and I really appreciate that it’s not just an advertising idea, it’s real. I said it before in my interview process that the product is good enough and the people are crazy enough that it’s absolutely worth being a part of.

Q: What are you most looking forward to as Stackla joins Nosto?

Omar: I think for a lot of the same reasons why I joined Stackla, and that’s the Nosto culture. It’s very similar and it’s been fun getting to know everyone and see that it really is the case. I think with any change, business or otherwise, there will be challenges but it’s very comforting to know that we have a great group of people to tackle those challenges and hopefully thrive from them.

Q: Are you an early bird or night owl?

Omar: I’m definitely a night owl. However, with a new baby I’ve become both and the bags under my eyes are all I have to show for it, haha. The transition hasn’t been all bad though, I’ve found I can get a lot of things done in the mornings with all this new time I have once I ship the boy off to school. I’ve also learned how to be a bit more efficient and use meditation apps in order to clear my head and get to bed/fall asleep earlier than I normally would have.

Q: What sport would you compete in if you were in the Olympics?

Omar: Wine is a sport, right? Haha. I guess if I had to pick, maybe Golf or Curling. I feel like I could do okay given there’s no ideal height or physical conditioning you have to be in. I also feel that those are both sports that, recreationally, you can enjoy a beverage and have a good amount of socializing involved which always piques my interest.

Q: If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?

Omar: It probably changes more now than ever with Covid and everything. However, let’s say pre-Covid times, probably Barcelona. I’ve visited and really enjoyed the beaches along with the mountains; it’s similar to California in those ways and that juxtaposition is peaceful to me. The food is phenomenal, the people are great, access to healthcare is super cool too (something we lack in the U.S.), and I’d be able to practice my Spanish. My father’s family is from Spain too, although they all live in North Mexico now. I have some extended family members in Barcelona and Seville so it would be cool to see them more often and get to know them better.

Q: What song or album could you listen to on repeat?

Omar: I like this question! I think it would depend, which isn’t a sexy answer, I know. I’m pretty eclectic when it comes to music so depending on who I’m with or what the vibes are, we could bang Drake’s “Legend” album or we could switch gears to Texas mode and play some “Humble Folks” by Flatland Cavalry. I also really enjoy the old soul/R&B artists like Sam Cooke’s “Live At The Harlem Square Club” album where he really breaks out of his polished sound and into more gritty, live versions of his classic songs.